Performance Schedule

Come see James Armstrong perform in concert! Seen live, Armstrong has a confident stage presence that combines grace with mischief. Few blues artists know how to play the crowd as James can, shifting dynamics from a whisper to a growl. Wherever he travels around the world his magnetism continues to hush a noisy rabble or entice a crowd to follow him out into the street or down the length of a beach. Send … See upcoming dates >

Watch James Armstrong live at a variety of concert performances, including a clips from his latest CD "Blues Been Good To Me" on … Watch Videos >
James Armstrong Biography

Born into a musical family in 1957 in Los Angeles, James Armstrong had blues music in his blood from the very start. His Mom was a blues singer, his Dad played jazz guitar. Armstrong formed his first band in the 7th grade, and by age 17 he was touring the country. James would start making waves on the local California … Read more >
Living Blues Interview

James Armstrong’s career is back in high gear. His latest CD, Blues Been Good to Me, was released in late 2017 and has garnered rave reviews. He wrote eight of the ten songs and the two he borrowed, he makes his own. Not long before recording, Armstrong had been on the road for 70 shows in four months, including a European tour. And … Read More >